Heaven: Heaven is a plane of existence in religions and spiritual philosophies, typically described as the holiest possible place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity (goodness, piety, etc.)
Christians generally hold that it is the afterlife destination of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.
Replace the word “Christians” with “Muslims” or “Hindus” and the word “Jesus Christ” with Allah or “Trinity” (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma) or use any other reference that you like.
The concept is: If you have done good deeds in your life you will qualify to enter heaven n you’ll stay there with GOD. Else Hell will be waiting eagerly for you. What kind of crap is that? People fool kids with such lures. Behave nice you’ll get candy else harsh beatings on the back. They say heaven is a place full of good stuff. One would get every possible thing there. A place with no crime no sin. Does god wants us to be so much materialistic? I wonder at times for how long a place like this can be enjoyable. Suppose I can access every possible thing on earth. I can get any thing. Can I live happily now? Or I should ask will there be any fun left in living then? I have nothing to do for I don’t need to. I would surely not like this situation. The excitement should be there in life. And I assume most of us will agree with my last statement. Some religions even say: “A person won’t be allowed in heaven if he doesn’t follow that religion. This person will definitely go to hell”. What a lame reason to force someone to follow a particular religion.
Why would god offer me loads of “good stuff”? Is he so much desperate to get worshiped? God created this universe; he created the minutest speck of dust to the gigantic galaxies, all species including humans… but why? Just to get worshiped? What a loser. Why would he create all such things… to entertain him self? They say you disrespect god and you will go to hell. What an egotist. If it’s true then god is forcing us to pray him. How can that be a will of the most benevolent? Why would he force us? I have heard people saying that god is ubiquitous that is he is every where. They say where there is god there is no sin no devil… that place is considered as “Holy”. I just want to logically analyze some statements
Statement A: God is every where.
Statement B: Hell is the abode of devil. (that is Satan lives in hell)
Inference: if A is correct then B should be wrong. Coz where there is god there should not be any devil. If B is correct then God is not ubiquitous.
Conclusion: some thing is wrong here. I don’t want to challenge God so I think god should be give his ubiquitous property which means there can not be any place called Hell. So if Hell does not exist then it is useless to believe in the existence of Heaven as Heaven is good because Hell is bad. They are relative. If one does not exist how can the other? So I think the whole shitty idea of hell and heaven is nothing but a huge load of crap.
I want to live my life, I believe in my conscience and I know I should not do the things to others that I don’t want them to do to me. And for doing all this I don’t need to follow any religion. I firmly believe religion is now an out-dated concept. We don’t need it any more.
I know I can not convince you to adopt my perspective but I wont follow yours too.
pretty cool blog you have here.
thanks patel!!
religion is a shitty crap and am with you in this...I hope people's thinking change with time
btw u have written it too well.
my testimonial time :P
thanx gary.. u'll get one good testimonial soon ;)
Ahem ahem!! sahi hai...
as usual 1 doubt:(:P)
there can be very logical reasons y god wants us to worship!! Think! :P
that infrence from statements A and B was amazing dude
you finally utilized ur 15k mba tutuion fee :P :D
thanx ved :)
its nice to have a comment from a doubt master...
vaibu u shud say thanx to me i told ved to read ur blog and maine tareef ki thi ;)
thank you gary!! i'm happy ki tune tarif ki :)
I very much agree with you Vaibhav....just listen to your heart,....religion's bull$#!7
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